Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Beginning of the Beginning of America

My Goodness Gracious Me!

Us unreconstructed imperialists have been here in North America, oppressing and slaughtering everyone and everything we can find, for 400 years!

Yep, today is the anniversary of the landing at what later became Jamestown, in Virginia.

Read about it HERE.

And remember, this was the start of the beginning of the most feared, oppressive, resource-hogging, polluting, and hated nation on Earth.

BAD Yankee! No SUV for you!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Responsible" Journalism

The AP, as reported by Yahoo HERE, reports that NBC News says running all the video about the Virginia Tech shooter was "good journalism" and a "very difficult decision".

CHICAGO - The head of NBC News said the decision to air images, writings and video of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho was "good journalism" and the network showed restraint by paring down what would be made public.

NBC News President Steve Capus, who appeared with "NBC Nightly News" anchorman Brian Williams on Tuesday's broadcast of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," acknowledged images that "wallpapered" the media were uncomfortable to view.


Right. And they bragged about their "restraint" on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

NBC News, in one respect, is very old fashioned indeed.

"If it bleeds, it leads."

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Refugee from Movable Type

My long-established blog at Swamp Gas went belly-up. Evidently the database of posts is hosed. It's being worked on, sorta. I don't have any reasonable expectation that it's going to recover any time soon.

Since I've got the itch, I'll post here for the time being.