Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photographs of Our Honored Dead

Once again, our honored dead are about to become political footballs.

The LA Time reports HERE that "The Pentagon has decided to rescind a long-standing prohibition against press coverage of returning war dead, allowing families to say whether news organizations may photograph the arrivals, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday."

Anyone who believes that this is not a directive from the President is drinking some really bad KoolAid.

Our dead, as shown by the AP's running tally, are already ammunition for Code Pink, KOS, and other left-wing "workers for peace".


It isn't enough that the names and hometowns of our dead are publicized, but now the ugliest side of "If it bleeds, it leads" is making a very ugly return.

I remember what the oh-so-caring media did in the past.

I predict that the media will behave as well now as they did then.

Asshats, one and all.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Suffering, After All These Years

I have been, and am currently, suffering the agonies, or at least the inconveniences of the well and eternally damned.

Yes, it is true. I have a nasty, snot-slingin' sinus-sloshin' oh-my-Gawwwwd-I-wanna-die cold.

And, to top it off, my Dodge Dakota truck has decided it doesn't want to run. Something to do with either the truck's computer, or one of it's sensors. The odometer displays "noBuS". Google "dakota nobus" and prepare to be confused.

I'm an IT Geek - this should be child's play, right? I mean, a simpleton computer that's running a car should be a snap for a certified IT God such as my magnificent self, right?


Damned thing is kicking my rosy red behind right around the block.

Cars. If I could figure a way to do without one, I would.

In a heartbeat.

Monday, February 23, 2009

ACORN and the Wilfully Blind Media

First, read THIS story from Fox News. Not one mention of the record of Donna Hanks, the former owner.

Next, take a look a Michelle Malkin's report on the very same thing, HERE.

Compare and contrast the coverage, my friends.

And the big news outlets wonder why they're losing market share?

Here's why: ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/Print Media/Fox News, et al, are NOT doing their research, that's why!

The short version is that Donna Hanks is a documented dead-beat. And those sleazy bozos at ACORN saw an opportunity to stick it to Joe Average tax-paying American, and tried it.

And now that they've been caught, ACORN is, guaranteed (and you saw it right here first!) to play the Evil Banker/Mortgage Company card, never mentioning that Hanks is, in fact, a dead-beat.

Cold-case Crime in D.C. - Chandra Levy

You may remember murder victim Chandra Levy as being the paramour of Congressman Gary Condit. Levy was killed in Washington, D.C. back in 2001.

Now, the D.C. police are going to make an arrest in the case.

The suspect? Criminal and illegal alien Ingmar Guandique.

Currently doing time for assaulting 2 female joggers in Rock Creek Park, Guandique has reportedly been tied to Chandra Levy by DNA evidence.

Story HERE.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Bad Post

Durned Blogger. Screwed up post.

There is nothing to see here. Move along...

Chicago Politicians

First, it was Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Before he was impeached, he appointed Roland Burris to fill Pres. Obama's Senate seat.

Now, Sen. Burris is being investigated by the Sangamon County state's attorney on possible perjury charges related to Sen. Burris's testimony to the Illinois House committee that was investigating Blagojevich.

Chicago politics is... interesting, yes?

Sundays At OWW's Place

We tend to loaf around, wake up slowly, drink a little coffee to get the corpuscles moving around. Used to be we'd read the Sunday newspaper - but lately, they're so full of crap that we don't bother.

Today I have to order a PCM (that's Power Control Module) for my Dodge truck. It took about 1 hour of poking around under the hood, and searching on the net. A Google search on "noBuS" finally turned up the info I needed to determine that the PCM had gone south. It's going to cost about $300 and take about 15 minutes to install.

I'll leave you with this thought for a Sunday -

Patrick Henry is famous for these words: "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Here is the whole quote, from 'way back in 1775:

"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Master Criminals of South Georgia - Update

I have a grim update to this post:

Amy Kern was released from custody, and has now gone from being a bit of a joke to being an accused murderer.

PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL -- Its an unusual description for an accused killer: "All American girl. Sweet."

Colin McCarthy says that is just one side of his ex-girlfriend, Amy Kern's personality. As accustomed as he was to seeing her smiling, happy face, he was not surprised to learn she admitted to fatally shooting her aunt's boyfriend and bludgeoning her grandmother to death with a tire iron.

OK, yeah, I poked more than a bit of fun at her and her unidentified "fiance" in my post. By definition, "Master Criminals" swinging axes and such are not wrapped too tight, and dammit, I did see some humor in that particular story.

I see no humor whatsoever in THIS part of the rest of the story.

That brings up a question: Am I going to stop highlighting "Master Criminals"?

No, I am not. I just hope that none of the future "Master Criminals" are as ill as Amy Kern.

My thanks (I think?) to commenter "Anonymous", who brought the rest of this sad and tragic story to my attention.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Watched the Steelers beat the Cardinals.

Pre-game predictions had the Steelers just whuppin' the Cards right into the ground.

The Cards did indeed lose - but not by much, and the Cards did NOT roll over and die.

If the Cards can manage to keep the team more or less together, they are going to doing well over the next few years.

Gadzooks, that was a good game!