Sunday, November 8, 2009

I've Moved!

I can now be found at My New/Old place, which is named Swamp Gas. Come and visit...

Friday, November 6, 2009

More on Fort Hood

I have sent the following to the President, both of my Senators, and to my Representative. I urge you to do the same.

"Fort Hood Police Sgt. Kimberly Munley, who, though grievously wounded, did stand her ground and return fire, thereby saving the lives of unarmed soldiers and civilians, is hereby nominated by a Citizen of the United States, and Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, with Bronze "V" for uncommon valor in the Service and Defense of the United States of America."
First, a tip o' the hat to Dr. J. E. Pournelle, who put the idea out there. See it HERE.

I'll begin with a definition from the Constitution of the United States of America:

"Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

Now, presuming that Maj. Hasan is indeed guilty of murdering and wounding his comrades-in-arms, is it treason?

The argument that Dr. Pournelle raises is pertinent. "I would presume that arming oneself and shooting 43 US soldiers is (1) levying war against the United States, and (2) an overt act, and that Major Hassan should be charged with treason."

Dr. Pournelle also argues that previous speech and writings by Maj. Hasan lend credence to the charge of Treason.

There is, in my view, another reason for viewing Maj. Hasan's killing spree as treason: He turned on his comrades and killed as many as he could. This is the most heinous act a soldier can do - killing your own.

So, let us enumerate the charges against Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

1. 14 counts of murder.
2. 29 counts of attempted murder.
3. 1 count of Treason, as defined above.

Numbers one and three above are punishable, according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, "shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct."

IF Maj. Hasan is found guilty, of any of the three above, then he should be put to death.

It's not likely, though. The political correctness currently prevalent will label him as "disturbed" and he'll be committed to a "mental health facility", there to live a lot longer than his disarmed victims.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

You Can't Make This Stuff Up...

Honestly now, if I were to tell you this story as a joke, you'd stare at me as if I was crazy.

See the whole story HERE.

Translated from De Telegraaf (in the Netherlands)

"EMMEN — Police in Drenthe province placed video images of an intruder on the Internet. Doing that damages the privacy of an intruder, is the opinion of the Lawbreakers Association [yes, it really exists — translator]. The Association filed a complaint with the National Ombudsman."


A "Lawbreakers Association".

I can't wait until the ACLU hears about this one! They'll advise ACORN to rename itself in a heart-beat...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Publishers Buy Ink By The Barrel

I have noted, with much amusement, the Fox/Whitehouse kefluffle over the past week.

All through the week, the President's Men (and a woman or two) on various interview/opinion shows at CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, in fact, everyone BUT Fox. Urging all the media outlets to "ignore Fox", "not treat Fox as a 'real news' organization, "Fox is all opinion", and the list goes on.

It appears that what annoyed the President's Men was that Fox News persists in reporting the news, and strictly seperating news from opinion.

Well, it would also appear that the effort of all the President's Men (and a woman or two) has fallen flat on it's face.

The White House offered up an administration official (I forget which one) for a pool interview, as long as the pool of reporters did not include a representative from Fox News.

The pool, led by CNN (to CNN's major credit) said, in effect, "Fox News is a major news outlet, and if Fox is not included, there will be no interview."


Some things that the President's Men chose to ignore - Fox News has the biggest share of the news audience, and public opinion.

Mr. President, this is NOT Chicago. You are now playing on the American stage, and most Americans know B.S. when they hear it. CNN, ABC, NBC and MSNBC know this as well. You would be well advised to remember that.

Some politician or other coined a neat phrase: "Never argue with the press - they buy ink by the barrel."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rush, the Rams, and the Rev. Al

By now, you are all somewhat aware of the brouhaha involving Rush Limbaugh's attempt to buy a piece of the St. Louis Rams.

In short, after some fabricated "quotes" attributed, falsly, to Limbaugh, the group attempting to buy the Rams dropped Limbaugh like a hot potato.

Then, Mr. Limbaugh did an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (HERE) in which he has a few dyspeptic comments about Al Sharpton.

It didn't take long before my name was selectively leaked to the media as part of the Checketts investment group. Shortly thereafter, the media elicited comments from the likes of Al Sharpton. In 1998 Mr. Sharpton was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. He also played a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot (he called neighborhood Jews "diamond merchants") and 1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot.

Now, Al Sharpton has threatened to sue Mr. Limbaugh. (HERE)

The Rev. Al Sharpton is threatening to sue Rush Limbaugh for writing that the civil rights leader played a role in two New York race riots.

Limbaugh wrote that Sharpton played "a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot" and the "1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot" in a Wall Street Journal column published Saturday. Sharpton called both allegations false.

This is from a guy who has repeatedly indulged in the worst sort of "race-baiting".

Mr. Limbaugh's other point, later in the column, had to do with the fabricated "quotes" attributed to him by CNN, MSNBC, and various sports writers. Those alleged "quotes" have been shown to be false.

The silence from CNN, MSNBC, and other sections of the media is deafening.

And the media wonders why MSA (Main Street America) doesn't trust them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Rams and the Bum's Rush

So, Rush Limbaugh, who wanted to buy a chunk of the St. Louis Rams has been shown to the door.

In the immortal words of the Reverand Al, noted tax evader and libel (or is it slander?) spouter, "It is a moral victory for all Americans — especially the players that have been unfairly castigated by Rush Limbaugh," Sharpton said in a statement. "This decision will also uphold the unifying standards of major sports."

Sharpton added in a telephone interview that major sports leagues shouldn't welcome owners who are "divisive and incendiary."

These immortal words from a man who claims that attempts to get him to pay his tax bill are racist, and who tried to hang Tawana Brawly around an innocent man's neck. And, if memory serves, howled with the rest about the infamous Nifong Case of Duke University.

In a word, my achin' behind.

In the immortal words of Justice Thomas, this is, indeed, a "lynching". High-tech or not, it is definitely low-rent.

The NFL, which swallows camels such as Michael Vick, is indeed straining at fleas such as Rush Limbaugh.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yet More on the Nobel Peace Prize

I think I kinda knew this, once upon a time, but it had slipped my alleged mind.

Once upon a time Sweden and Norway were the same kingdom. When they were split, Norway got the Peace Prize, and Sweden got the rest.

Sweden awards their share through the Swedish Academy of Science.

The Nobel Peace Prize is given through a committee appointed by the Norwegian Parliament.

That makes the Peace Prize subject to the whims of the current Norwegian Parliament, which is very definitely a political exercise. Given that the Norwegian Parliament is very definitely "left wing", giving the President of the US the Peace Prize is rather obviously a political exercise.

And a dumb one.

The competence of the Committee is now explained. Politicians of either Right or Left are not noted for being anything other than... politicians.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Update to Nobel Peace Prize

I am NOT criticizing the Prez for bein awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

I AM criticizing the Peace Prize Committee. The Committee has obviously abandoned all objectivity. The Committee is obviously playing politics.

I did not hammer the Committee for Jimmah's Prize.

I did not hammer the Committee for Al's Prize.

I could have, and in hindsight, I should have.

I will, and am, hammering the Committee for President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama has accomplished nothing.

B. Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Our President, B. H. Obama, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Prize is supposed to be awarded for ACCOMPLISHMENT. So far as I can tell, the Prez's award of the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for INTENTIONS.

Sorry, Mr. President, but you have ACCOMPLISHED nothing.

The committee that awards the Nobel Peace Prize is more full of STUFF than a Christmas Turkey.

Whatever respect I had for the Nobel Peace Prize just went right out the window.

I am casting a suspicious eye upon the rest of the Nobel Prizes. I suspect politics, rather than accomplishment, is the main criteria for any of the Nobel Prizes.

Monday, September 21, 2009

You Don't Mess With The Old Farts...

... like this guy. From FoxNews:

= = = = = =

LAKE WORTH, Fla. — Authorities say a 91-year-old man in South Florida jumped out out of bed naked and held an intruder breaking into his house at gunpoint until deputies arrived.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said Robert E. Thompson was awoken Saturday morning after a burglar climbed his backyard fence and was met by his charging dog, Rettt, a Rottweiler and Doberman Pinscher mix. Thompson heard the commotion, grabbed his .38-caliber revolver and phoned police without ever getting dressed.

Deputies say Thompson fired a warning shot at 26-year-old Jose Pasqual after the intruder started to come toward him. Pasqual was booked in the Palm Beach County Jail and did not immediately have an attorney.

= = = = = =

I can just hear the dialog:

OF: "Hold it right there!"

JP: "Esay, Mon! Call off you MF dog!"

OF: "Esay your behind! Get your moldy butt down on the ground, or I'll let Rett chew on you after I shoot your buttocks!"

JP: "OK, Mon, OK! I be down on the groun'!"

OF: "Good! I'm old, and cranky, and tired, and I am the one with the gun and a dog with a bad attitude."

JP: "Mon, dat dog, he look MEAN!"

OF: "Yah. But he mind ME, not you. And he's hungry, so don't you wiggle, don't you move... or I'll shoot YOU and let HIM have a little snack..."

= = = = =


Friday, September 4, 2009

Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard, USMC, RIP

On 14 August 2009, LCPL Bernard, USMC, died in action in Afghanistan.

An AP photographer got a picture of him shortly after he was hit, and the AP decided to publish it.

It shows LCPL Bernard surrounded by his comrades-in-arms, doing their very best to keep him alive. Ultimately, they failed, and LCPL Bernard expired during surgery.

The AP has been taking some flak from the family and the Dept. of Defense.

I have viewed the photo (HERE), and I see Marines, doing what Marines are expected to do: Fight, and never leave a comrade behind.

I am also minded of the third verse of the Marins' Hymn:

"If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines."

I was a squid, once upon a time (That's US Navy, to you who don't know), and I always slept better knowing that the Jarheads were on watch.

My Father-in-Law is one of the last of the China Marines.

I expect that when I make it "up there", I'll be greeted by my TSgt FIL, and he'll have LCPL Bernard with him. And after they're off duty, I'll be allowed to fill their glasses, and tell them some great whoppin' lies about the USS Tuscorora, the legendary ship with seven straw decks, an all Marine crew, and a glass bottom....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just Bein' What I Am...

Van Jones, the White House's "Green Jobs Czar" has declared, live and on video, that Republicans in the Congress that oppose the President's energy initiative are "assholes". See the article HERE.

Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, told a group of listeners earlier in the year that the reason Republicans are stonewalling the president is because they're "assholes."

Jones' remarks were recorded in a video from February that was posted to YouTube.

He made the remark during an energy lecture in Berkeley, Calif., after a woman in the audience asked him why President Obama and congressional Democrats were having trouble moving legislation -- even though Republicans, with a smaller majority, didn't have as much trouble earlier in the Bush administration.

"Well, the answer to that is, they're assholes," Jones said, to uproarious laughter. "That's a technical, political science term."

The questioner responded, "I was afraid that that was the answer."

But Jones said that, even though Obama is "not an asshole," others have to step up the fight.

"Now, I will say this. I can be an asshole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity," he said.

I must say, Mr. Jones, that you can indeed be an asshole. You're also a jerk, and a turd, and a slimy son-of-a-bitch.

Furthermore, sir, you are so clueless that if you dressed in a clue skin, doused yourself in clue musk, and did the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny
clues at the height of clue mating season, you still would not have a clue.

In addition to which, you have no idea of the proper use of vituperation, malignity, or of the fine art of aspersion.

You are a non-entity.

And yes, I do indeed oppose "Cap and Trade", and I have so informed my Congressman and both of my Senators. Which fact makes me an asshole as well, plus I'm a mean vindictive son-of-a-bitch.

If it should ever come to pass that you run for state-wide office in my state, I shall take the greatest of pleasure in voting against you. I shall savor the experience, and murmer to myself in round and dulcet tones, "Take THAT, asshole!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And Now, For The Next Week...

... It's going to be All Teddy, All The Time!

Featuring assorted politicians trying to take advantage of Yet Another Dead Kennedy.

Prattling about Teddy's "legacy", and "what Teddy would have wanted", etc.

Mary Jo, of course, is not available for comment.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Presidential Snitch Program

I know that I haven't posted for a while - just feeling lazy, I guess.

But guess what? I'm baaaack!

I got the below from the Whitehouse official site, HERE. I'm going to write a comment to it, and send it off to Flag at Whitehouse dot gov.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Dear Mr. President,

Facts are indeed "stubborn things", Mr. President. Among them are that nasty old thing known as "The Privacy Act", which was passed in reaction to President Nixon's infamous "Enemies List". Among it's provisions are that no branch of government may gather and keep data on private citizens' political speech.

Now then, Mr. President, you are President of the United States. That is an official position within the Government of the United States. Therefore, the provisions of the Privacy Act regarding political speech apply to you, as noted in the following:

(e) Agency Requirements.— Each agency that maintains a system of rec­ords shall—…

(7) maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity;

You would do well to keep the above in mind.

I, Sir, decline to participate in this patently illegal "snitch" activity, save in one way. I must, Sir, report myself as being the perpetrator of a vile, disgusting rumor regarding your so-called "reform" of health care.

Here's the rumor:

"President Obama is attempting, with his attempts at 'reform' of health care, to make a daffy down dilly from whole cloth, and furthermore, he swears up and down that the result will smell as sweet as a real rose."

/s/ {full name and address redacted from this post}

Monday, July 13, 2009

"History Unfolding"?

I received the following in an email, and found it most interesting.

A very little research found that it was falsely attributed to Prof. David Kaiser, a noted and published historian at the US Naval War College. His blog is HERE, and the Snopes entry is HERE.

I found that some of the statements below, while cogently argued, are, in my own personal opinion, false, some are a "maybe", and others are true. I have placed my opinions in brackets after each paragraph.

I find especially odious the comparison between Hitler and Obama. Mr. Obama is NOT the reincarnation of Hitler. Chicago-style hard-ball politico? Yes. Socialist? Yes. Left wing? Yes. Mass-murderer wannabe? No.

One great distinction between the United States of 2009 and Germany of the 1930's is demographics. In the 1930's Germany was basically a "white" nation with a single ethnic majority (German), and a single significant minority, the Jews, to whom Hitler could tie all of Germany's ills.

The United States of 2009 also has a "white" majority, but that "white" majority is of many ethnic backgrounds - British, German, Irish, French, Spanish (yes, there was significant immigration directly from Spain!), Italian, Scandinavian, etc., and mostly of that unique shared political background, "American". The "minorities" are also quite diverse - Black, Hispanic, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc., and many of them are primarily "American".

In any event, some of the questions raised here are definitely worthy of vigorous and civil public debate.

History Unfolding

I am a student of history. Professionally, I have written 15 books on history that have been published in six languages, and I have studied history all my life. I have come to think there is something monumentally large afoot, and I do not believe it is simply a banking crisis, or a mortgage crisis, or a credit crisis. Yes these exist, but they are merely single facets on a very large gemstone that is only now coming into a sharper focus. [Maybe]

Something of historic proportions is happening. I can sense it because I know how it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to it.. Yes, a perfect storm may be brewing, but there is something happening within our country that has been evolving for about ten to fifteen years. The pace has dramatically quickened in the past two. [True]

We demand and then codify into law the requirement that our banks make massive loans to people we know they can never pay back? Why? [True. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac]

We learned just days ago that the Federal Reserve, which has little or no real oversight by anyone, has "loaned" two trillion dollars (that is $2,000,000,000,000) over the past few months, but will not tell us to whom or why or disclose the terms. That is our money. Yours and mine. And that is three times the $700 billion we all argued about so strenuously just this past September. Who has this money? Why do they have it? Why are the terms unavailable to us? Who asked for it? Who authorized it? I thought this was a government of "we the people," who loaned our powers to our elected leaders. Apparently not. [True]

We have spent two or more decades intentionally de-industrializing our economy. Why? [True]

We have intentionally dumbed down our schools, ignored our history, and no longer teach our founding documents, why we are exceptional, and why we are worth preserving. Students by and large cannot write, think critically, read, or articulate. Parents are not revolting, teachers are not picketing, school boards continue to back mediocrity. Why? [True]

We have now established the precedent of protesting every close election (violently in California over a proposition that is so controversial that it simply wants marriage to remain defined as between one man and one woman. Did you ever think such a thing possible just a decade ago?) We have corrupted our sacred political process by allowing unelected judges to write laws that radically change our way of life, and then mainstream Marxist groups like ACORN and others to turn our voting system
into a banana republic. To what purpose? [True]

Now our mortgage industry is collapsing, housing prices are in free fall, major industries are failing, our banking system is on the verge of collapse, social security is nearly bankrupt, as is medicare and our entire government. Our education system is worse than a joke (I teach college and I know precisely what I am talking about) - the list is staggering in its length, breadth, and depth.. It is potentially 1929 x ten.[True and False - whoever this person is, he/she/they are NOT Prof. Kaiser.]

.. And we are at war with an enemy we cannot even name for fear of offending people of the same religion, who, in turn, cannot wait to slit the throats of your children if they have the opportunity to do so. [True]

And finally, we have elected a man that no one really knows anything about, who has never run so much as a Dairy Queen, let alone a town. All of his associations and alliances are with real radicals in their chosen fields of employment, and everything we learn about him, drip by drip, is unsettling if not downright scary (Surely you have heard him speak about his idea to create and fund a mandatory civilian defense force stronger than our military for use inside our borders? No? Oh, of course. The media would never play that for you over and over and then demand he answer it.) [True]

Mr. Obama's winning platform can be boiled down to one word: Change. Why? [True]

I have never been so afraid for my country and for my children as I am now. [True. Just look at the debt obligation that my children and grandchildren will be obligated to pay.]

This man campaigned on bringing people together, something he has never, ever done in his professional life. In my assessment, Obama will divide us along philosophical lines, push us apart, and then try to realign the pieces into a new and different power structure. Change is indeed coming. And when it comes, you will never see the same nation again. [True]

And that is only the beginning..

As a serious student of history, I thought I would never come to experience what the ordinary, moral German must have felt in the mid-1930s. In those times, the "savior" was a former smooth-talking rabble-rouser from the streets, about whom the average German knew next to nothing. What they should have known was that he was associated with groups that shouted, shoved, and pushed around people with whom they disagreed; he edged his way onto the political stage through great oratory. Conservative "losers" read it right now. [Maybe. This is NOT the Weimar Republic.]

And there were the promises. Economic times were tough, people were losing jobs, and he was a great speaker. And he smiled and frowned and waved a lot. And people, even newspapers, were afraid to speak out for fear that his "brown shirts" would bully and beat them into submission. Which they did - regularly. And then, he was duly elected to office, while a full-throttled economic crisis bloomed at hand - the Great Depression. Slowly, but surely he seized the controls of government power, person by person, department by department, bureaucracy by bureaucracy. The children of German citizens were at first, encouraged to join a Youth Movement in his name where they were taught exactly what to think. Later, they were required to do so. No Jews of course,[True. This IS just what Hitler did.]

How did he get people on his side? He did it by promising jobs to the jobless, money to the money-less, and rewards for the military-industrial complex. He did it by indoctrinating the children, advocating gun control, health care for all, better wages, better jobs, and promising to re-instill pride once again in the country, across Europe , and across the world. He did it with a compliant media - did you know that? And he did this all in the name of justice and ..... . .. change. And the people surely got what they voted for. [True]

If you think I am exaggerating, look it up. It's all there in the history books.

So read your history books. Many people of conscience objected in 1933 and were shouted down, called names, laughed at, and ridiculed. When Winston Churchill pointed out the obvious in the late 1930s while seated in the House of Lords in England (he was not yet Prime Minister), he was booed into his seat and called a crazy troublemaker. He was right, though. And the world came to regret that he was not listened to. [True]

Do not forget that Germany was the most educated, the most cultured country in Europe. It was full of music, art, museums, hospitals, laboratories, and universities. And yet, in less than six years (a shorter time span than just two terms of the U. S. presidency) it was rounding up its own citizens, killing others, abrogating its laws, turning children against parents, and neighbors against neighbors... All with the best of intentions, of course. The road to Hell is paved with them. [True]

As a practical thinker, one not overly prone to emotional decisions, I have a choice: I can either believe what the objective pieces of evidence tell me (even if they make me cringe with disgust); I can believe what history is shouting to me from across the chasm of seven decades; or I can hope I am wrong by closing my eyes, having another latte, and ignoring what is transpiring around me. [False]

I choose to believe the evidence. No doubt some people will scoff at me, others laugh, or think I am foolish, naive, or both. To some degree, perhaps I am. But I have never been afraid to look people in the eye and tell them exactly what I believe-and why I believe it. [False conclusion]

I pray I am wrong. I do not think I am. Perhaps the only hope is our vote in the next elections.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I am not a "subject" of my country.

I am a "citizen".

What does that mean?

I pay attention to the politicians who run the country in my name.

If I disagree with the politicians, I let them know it.

If I agree with them, I let them know that as well.

And, for the most part, I'm polite about it.

I must say that right now I'm not happy with "my" politicians.

I say "my" politicians because I don't think that I am being properly represented.



My word, I do believe that we been snookered.

And our children and grandchildren will be paying for all this.

You can diss a man, or his family with impunity. When you nail his paycheck, look to your political life, Comrade! For the citizenry will remember...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One of the Consequences of June 6th, 1944

The primary purpose of the D-Day landings in Normandy was to defeat Germany and eliminate the Nazi threat to the rest of the world. One of the consequences of that invasion was the discovery of the concentration camps.

There are Holocaust Deniers running around today. There are damned few of them in the US Armed Forces. Here is one reason why:

...At the end of the tour, we were in the prisoner quarters, I believe. I was herding my boys through the line. At that point we were pretty damn macabre about the whole thing - like Dachau, there was a feeling of hopelessness. That's when Segeant Rowe shouts out, "Hey, Sir, you have to see this!"

Rowe was a history buff. He was always first in line to read everything about the camp and moved through quickly as though he was afraid to miss out on anything should he linger too long. He was the first to reach the end of the tour....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So, You Want a Baaad Joke?

OK, here it is. Keep in mind, my 14-year old daughter told me this one...

"Dad, you gotta do 'Safe Lunch'".

"Chickie, just what in the blazes is 'Safe Lunch'?"

"Daddy, you have ALWAYS got to use Condiments!"


HoooKay! "Safe Lunch"


I think it's going to be a loooong teenage years. And that's just for Chickie. Meelie is 11 going on 17....

I've already got gray hair. It's just gonna get worse...


Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Today is the day we honor our dead.

From the Revolutionary War, through the Civil War, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, the First World War, and the Second. Korea. Viet Nam. The Gulf War. Afghanistan. Iraq. And let us not forget all the crappy little places in between.

This is the first year that I don't honor my Dad on Veteran's Day.

Today is the first year that I do honor Dad on Memorial Day.

US Army (Infantry), 1941-1946. ETO, 1942-1946.

Purple Heart. "I zigged when I shoulda zagged." "Gee, Ma, I forgot to duck."

Firm opinions on many subjects, most touching on personal behavior.

"The Golden Rule is the best rule of all. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Of course, if the others are evil ones, and have taken a shot at you (and missed), don't hesitate - do unto them quickly and thoroughly. And do it twice."

"Tell the truth. It might hurt a little now, but the truth saves trouble later."

"Don't lie. Tell the truth in such a way that it will be thought a lie. Then look innocent, and for God's sake don't do an 'I told you so!' - just look confused!"

"Women are different. They are NOT meant to be understood. They are just... different."

There's many other lessons from the Old Man. Some time I'll put 'em out here.

In the meantime, here's the last one for today:

"Properly chilled beer is a Good Thing. Matched with a good steak, properly prepared, with corn and baked, you've got one of God's Good Meals."

Thanks Pop. We Love You.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Still here...

Mrs. OWW is recuperating nicely from major abdominal surgery.

OWW has been dealing with changing bandages, moving daughters around to meet their various committments, work, plumbing issues, car issues, Cinco de Mayo issues, boat issues (not MY boat, thank Gawd (BOAT means "Bring Out Another Thousand")), dance recital rehearsals, softball, and a Partidge In A Pear Tree.

All is well, so far, but OWW is frazzled!

Right now, I don't give a crap about the rest of the world, personal stuff is at the head of the line.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirates of Africa

First, three cheers for the SEALs who blew the Somalian pirates away.

Now, thirty yards with rifles for trained and skilled marksmen sounds dead easy, right? Not if your shooting platform is moving around (and trust me on this, a tin-can moves if you breath on it), and the lifeboat is moving around even more than the tin-can, AND you have three targets, all of whom are also moving around on the lifeboat.

As I said, three cheers, and those three guys get to drink on my tab any time they like.

Now the Somalian pirates are threating "revenge". OK, dudes, go ahead and do it. And watch what happens when we really decide to clean house. YOUR house.

'Way back in the 1800's we had a little pirate problem in the Caribbean and along the southern coasts of the US. The US Navy was turned loose, and started by hanging every pirate they could catch.

Pretty soon, no more pirates.

Is it time to start hanging the Pirates of Africa? Or the Pirates of Asia?

I beleive that it is time to start putting trained and armed security details on all American-flagged ships sailing in those Asian and African waters known to have pirates. A few shot-up pirate boats, with dead bodies, would provide a marvelous object lesson, and stop piracy dead in it's tracks.

Pirates are like any other criminal - if the target fights back, it's not nearly such an attractive target.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tiger Woods as Part of the Obama Inaugural

As part of the festivities marking the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States, golf legend Tiger Woods made a speech at the Lincoln Memorial introducing the US Naval Glee Club - two days before the actual inauguration.

He's been criticized for not mentioning the new President.

I don't give a rat's patootie. Mr. Woods is a sportsman, a symbol, and above all, an American.

Here's the speech:

"I grew up in a military family - and my role models in life were my Mom and Dad, Lt. Colonel Earl Woods. My dad was a Special Forces operator and many nights friends would visit our home.

They represented every branch of the service, and every rank.

In my Dad, and in those guests, I saw first hand the dedication and commitment of those who serve. They come from every walk of life. From every part of our country. Time and again, across generations, they have defended our safety in the dark of night and far from home.

Each day -- and particularly on this historic day -- we honor the men and women in uniform who serve our country and protect our freedom.

They travel to the dangerous corners of the world, and we must remember that for every person who is in uniform, there are families who wait for them to come home safely.

I am honored that the military is such an important part, not just of my personal life, but of my professional one as well. The golf tournament we do each year here in Washington is a testament to those unsung heroes.

I am the son of a man who dedicated his life to his country, family and the military, and I am a better person for it.

In the summer of 1864, Abraham Lincoln, the man at whose memorial we stand, spoke to the 164th Ohio Regiment and said:

'I am greatly obliged to you, and to all who have come forward at the call of their country.'

Just as they have stood tall for our country - we must always stand by and support the men and women in uniform and their families.

Thank you, and it is now my pleasure to introduce the US Naval Glee Club."

Here's the Snopes entry for this short, sweet speech.

Unfortunately, what's not surprising is that the MSM (MainStreamMedia) didn't pick up on this. After all, they'd rather report on some celebrity air-head pontificating on something about which they know absolutely nothing.

Mr. Woods, Thank You. As the grandson (US Army, 1917-1919), and son (US Army 1941-1946) of veterans, and as a Vet myself (USN 1969-1973) I appreciate your very kind words.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Here in Southeast Jawja, spring has finally sprung, liberating me from the shivers of my discontent.

I have shivered my way through cold days of north winds and frost on the windshield of The Truck.

Now, the grass turns green, the temp hit 80F, and I circulate 'round the back yard.

Holy Frijoles! Lookit all them damned weeds!

Uhh... is it too late to wish for a good hard blast of winter wind, precisely directed on the weeds and leaving my very own precious hide nice and warm?

I thought so.

Just Dayum....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


... I'll be like my Dad. Old, and cranky, and everything will hurt, and I'll be short-tempered and I'll want to forget the bad stuff, and only remember the good.

Someday I'll remember the doggies in my life, and remember that they all greeted me with wagging tails and unconditional love - and died long before I did, because that's what happens to doggies.

Someday I'll remember my kids when they were young, their marveling at the world around them, at the hue of a flower, the smell of new-mown grass, at the feel of the ocean kissing the skin under a bright shining sun, at the wondrous sight of Venus shining next to Luna just before sunset.

For now, I remember my Dad, holding my hand and showing me these sights, and teaching me about doggies, and tolerating me even when I was fifteen and royal pain in the behind, and I'm glad he let me live - so that I can pass along those lessons to his grandchildren. (Trust me here - I was a real PITA as a fifteen-year-old - I'm surprised he let me live!)

And I'll pass those same lessons along to his great-grandchildren, if I live that long.

I think that I'll take a sip of the Bushmill's here, and reflect. And yes, that's another lesson from the Old Man - sip gently, and reflect.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photographs of Our Honored Dead

Once again, our honored dead are about to become political footballs.

The LA Time reports HERE that "The Pentagon has decided to rescind a long-standing prohibition against press coverage of returning war dead, allowing families to say whether news organizations may photograph the arrivals, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday."

Anyone who believes that this is not a directive from the President is drinking some really bad KoolAid.

Our dead, as shown by the AP's running tally, are already ammunition for Code Pink, KOS, and other left-wing "workers for peace".


It isn't enough that the names and hometowns of our dead are publicized, but now the ugliest side of "If it bleeds, it leads" is making a very ugly return.

I remember what the oh-so-caring media did in the past.

I predict that the media will behave as well now as they did then.

Asshats, one and all.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still Suffering, After All These Years

I have been, and am currently, suffering the agonies, or at least the inconveniences of the well and eternally damned.

Yes, it is true. I have a nasty, snot-slingin' sinus-sloshin' oh-my-Gawwwwd-I-wanna-die cold.

And, to top it off, my Dodge Dakota truck has decided it doesn't want to run. Something to do with either the truck's computer, or one of it's sensors. The odometer displays "noBuS". Google "dakota nobus" and prepare to be confused.

I'm an IT Geek - this should be child's play, right? I mean, a simpleton computer that's running a car should be a snap for a certified IT God such as my magnificent self, right?


Damned thing is kicking my rosy red behind right around the block.

Cars. If I could figure a way to do without one, I would.

In a heartbeat.

Monday, February 23, 2009

ACORN and the Wilfully Blind Media

First, read THIS story from Fox News. Not one mention of the record of Donna Hanks, the former owner.

Next, take a look a Michelle Malkin's report on the very same thing, HERE.

Compare and contrast the coverage, my friends.

And the big news outlets wonder why they're losing market share?

Here's why: ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/Print Media/Fox News, et al, are NOT doing their research, that's why!

The short version is that Donna Hanks is a documented dead-beat. And those sleazy bozos at ACORN saw an opportunity to stick it to Joe Average tax-paying American, and tried it.

And now that they've been caught, ACORN is, guaranteed (and you saw it right here first!) to play the Evil Banker/Mortgage Company card, never mentioning that Hanks is, in fact, a dead-beat.

Cold-case Crime in D.C. - Chandra Levy

You may remember murder victim Chandra Levy as being the paramour of Congressman Gary Condit. Levy was killed in Washington, D.C. back in 2001.

Now, the D.C. police are going to make an arrest in the case.

The suspect? Criminal and illegal alien Ingmar Guandique.

Currently doing time for assaulting 2 female joggers in Rock Creek Park, Guandique has reportedly been tied to Chandra Levy by DNA evidence.

Story HERE.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Bad Post

Durned Blogger. Screwed up post.

There is nothing to see here. Move along...

Chicago Politicians

First, it was Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Before he was impeached, he appointed Roland Burris to fill Pres. Obama's Senate seat.

Now, Sen. Burris is being investigated by the Sangamon County state's attorney on possible perjury charges related to Sen. Burris's testimony to the Illinois House committee that was investigating Blagojevich.

Chicago politics is... interesting, yes?

Sundays At OWW's Place

We tend to loaf around, wake up slowly, drink a little coffee to get the corpuscles moving around. Used to be we'd read the Sunday newspaper - but lately, they're so full of crap that we don't bother.

Today I have to order a PCM (that's Power Control Module) for my Dodge truck. It took about 1 hour of poking around under the hood, and searching on the net. A Google search on "noBuS" finally turned up the info I needed to determine that the PCM had gone south. It's going to cost about $300 and take about 15 minutes to install.

I'll leave you with this thought for a Sunday -

Patrick Henry is famous for these words: "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Here is the whole quote, from 'way back in 1775:

"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Master Criminals of South Georgia - Update

I have a grim update to this post:

Amy Kern was released from custody, and has now gone from being a bit of a joke to being an accused murderer.

PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL -- Its an unusual description for an accused killer: "All American girl. Sweet."

Colin McCarthy says that is just one side of his ex-girlfriend, Amy Kern's personality. As accustomed as he was to seeing her smiling, happy face, he was not surprised to learn she admitted to fatally shooting her aunt's boyfriend and bludgeoning her grandmother to death with a tire iron.

OK, yeah, I poked more than a bit of fun at her and her unidentified "fiance" in my post. By definition, "Master Criminals" swinging axes and such are not wrapped too tight, and dammit, I did see some humor in that particular story.

I see no humor whatsoever in THIS part of the rest of the story.

That brings up a question: Am I going to stop highlighting "Master Criminals"?

No, I am not. I just hope that none of the future "Master Criminals" are as ill as Amy Kern.

My thanks (I think?) to commenter "Anonymous", who brought the rest of this sad and tragic story to my attention.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Watched the Steelers beat the Cardinals.

Pre-game predictions had the Steelers just whuppin' the Cards right into the ground.

The Cards did indeed lose - but not by much, and the Cards did NOT roll over and die.

If the Cards can manage to keep the team more or less together, they are going to doing well over the next few years.

Gadzooks, that was a good game!

Friday, January 30, 2009

The "Google Bomb"

Look, I've been mucking about in the Web for quite a while.

I've been using Google as my preferred search engine for at least five years.

I'm an IT geek - and I use Google every single freakin' day to find good stuff that I need to do my job.

(Side note: Go HERE to find really good FREE stuff. Gizmo rocks! And I found his site through Google.)

Until today, I'd never run across the phrase "Google Bomb".

Now that I have, and I've learned just how long it took Google to rectify the situation, I have to wonder just how badly Google's other results are skewed.

Yes, my trust in Google has been damaged. And Google did the damage itsownself.

Why, exactly, should I trust Google?

Oh, Man! MORE Tax Probs for Obama Cabinet!

On the heels of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's tax problems, we now have former Senator Daschle's little $100,000 non-payment of taxes.

The Prez's Cabinet issues continue to provide massive amounts of ammo to Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz and Co., and deservedly so.

In this day and age, with what I call the "instant news cycle", a President gets absolutely no wiggle room.

I don't say that it's right, it is just the way it is.

Prez O, you've GOT to do a better job of vetting your nominees, lest you get bogged down with answering endless questions and crippling your Administration with problematic and vulnerable members of your Cabinet right from the beginning.

Make no mistake, sir - this is YOUR cabinet, and you get to carry the can.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Interesting Point of Constitutional Law

President-Elect Obama started nominating, and the Senate confirming, Cabinet Officers on 2 December 2008. But the Constitution, in Article II, Section 2 is most specific.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

So, are the Cabinet Officers confirmed by the Senate before President-Elect Obama became President Obama on 20 January actually Cabinet Officers of the United States?

Were any of President-Elect Bush's appointees actually Cabinet Officers legally confirmed prior to 20 January 2001?

Pets vs Children

Got this from my friend in Ohio - the same one who knows a guy that has 2500 acres and a backhoe and might know something about Jimmy...

Remember, dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
(1) eat less
(2) don't ask for money all the time
(3) are easier to train
(4) normally come when called
(5 ) never ask to drive the car
(6) don't want to wear your clothes
(7) don't have to buy the latest fashions,
(8) don't need a gazillion dollars for college and
(9) if they get pregnant, you can sell their children

MY children, who do read these demented ramblings from time to time, should take special note of number 9.

I know people who know people who need cheap scullery maids and human fork-lifts...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Master Criminals of South Georgia

From time to time I immortalize here at OWW's Place some of the more... imaginative among our Criminal Element.

Honest, you can't make this stuff up!

The headline in the January 9th edition of the Tribune & Georgian reads:

"Woman chases fiance with axe while holding baby"

Police arrested a St. Marys woman Dec 28, 2008 after she allegedly chased her fiance with an axe in one had and a baby in the other.

Amy Kay Kern, 29, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats and acts and battery after she alleged scratched her fiance on his face and chased him out of the house holding an axe and their 1-month-old child.

Now, honestly, if I included that little fracas in the Great American Novel that I'm never going to write, someday, you'd jeer and jape and say "OWW, that can NEVER happen in real life!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Historic Transfer of Power

Yes, it is a historic moment - a non-white man has become the freely elected President of the United States of America.

What's really "historic" about it?

This is the 43rd peaceful transfer of power.

No riots.

No civil war.

Just the rather boring political speeches and the Media going "Ooooo" and "Ahhhh".

Nice, dull, quiet, and boring - just the way I like it.

Just the way, the American Way, that it should be.

Of course, tomorrow will be a different story.

Those of us who did not vote for our current President will view with alarm, cavil over trifles, and rail against the injustice of it all.

Peacefully. Because that's the American Way.

To the non-American world - Barack Hussein Obama is MY president. I may not like his policies, I may view his initiatives with alarm, I may grumble at his sucesses and growl at his failures. But hear me, you "furriners" - he is MY president.

I am an American.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here I Stand...

... I can do no other.

A little background first.

I'm what my Southron neighbors would, most politely, call a "DamnYankee". And yes, it's all one word.

Stubborn. Opinionated. Educated through my own research.

My father fought the Nazis through France and into Germany. He saw the camps, and described them to me in most graphic and distressing detail.

I didn't really believe him until I did my own research.

Two of my high school classmates had parents with numbers tatooed on their arms. (To my other classmates - You don't remember? Or you never noticed? Or you ignored? Or you deny? Pick a place, and make your stand.)

So, here it is.

I stand with Israel. I stand against Hamas.

I stand with "Never Again". I stand against "Off the map".

I stand with the only functioning democracy in the Middle East. I stand against the gangbangers of "Palestine".

I say "Israel - From The River To The Sea".

If you don't like how I stand, tough beans.

Here I stand - I can do no other.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

News Coverage of Gaza

I've been following the Israeli/Hamas upscuddle and I gotta tell you, Big News still doesn't "get it".

The emphasis is all on the "civilian casualties" in Gaza, with hardly any mention of Hamas rockets, Hamas suicide and/or homicide bombers, Hamas shooting up cars full of Israeli civilians, and the list could go on.

Even the reviled Fox News is slanted toward the "civilian suffering" in Gaza, with very little on the Israeli side.

I'm just sayin' that it's pretty bloody obvious.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Indictment of Big News

At 4AM my eyes pop open, and I'm wide awake.

Crap. This really and truly sucks rocks.

Being the news junkie that I am, I cruise Yahoo News, ABC, CNN, and Fox. And buried, deep in Fox News, I find this little gem.

The 22 Arab nations (the Palestinian authority would make 23), gathered in a basement conference room hammering out their proposal, which still does not mention Hamas’ role in the fighting. It is similar to the one Libya floated on New Year’s Eve, which condemned “all acts of violence and terror against civilians,” (one would presume that could include Israelis as well as Palestinians) “as well as expressing grave concern about the widespread death and destruction among the Palestinian civilian population.” The draft also said it “strongly condemns the Israeli military attacks.”

It went nowhere, and an even weaker expression late Saturday night was not agreed on because of U.S. objection. American diplomats note the absence of holding Hamas responsible, and indeed the British ambassador said if there were to be a balanced resolution… that is, a resolution that includes criticism of and demands on Hamas as well as Israel, then such a declaration could pass muster.

This little snippet was buried deep within Fox news. I haven't seen anything like it at any other Big News organization.

The reluctance of Western diplomats and the press to publicly, and loudly, demand that Hamas cease and desist their attacks on civilians in Israel causes me a certain amount of heartburn.

Instead of tip-toeing around Hamas' delicate sensibilities whilst hammering Israel's "aggression", let's haul out the actions of both sides and look at them, dispassionately. Then, perhaps, a fair conclusion can be arrived at.

To be blunt about it, the major news organizations - AP, Reuters, ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC, et. al., have been falling all over themselves to NOT report fairly on both sides.

And that, my friends, is what really makes me angry.

In a later post, I will tell you exactly why I did not renew my subscription to the Florida Times-Union (Georgia edition), and what the T-U can do to regain my trust.