Thursday, October 4, 2007

Now I've got a Teenager in the House!

Today is one of "those" days - "those" being defined as Very Important Days that you always remember.

Today Chickie went from being a "kid" to being a "teenager".

I've seen flashes of "teenagerness" of course. Clothing style. Hair. Nails. Smart-mouth. Unexpected tears. Maniacal laughter over nothing at all. From happy and smiling to red-hot rage to broken-hearted tears, and back to happy and smiling, all within fifteen bewildering seconds.

And that was just a taste.

I've been through this before, with Katydid, my first girl-child, about twelve years back.

Which brings up a story for me to tell.

We were still living in California, and Katydid was visiting for the weekend (Katydid's Mom and I were divorced many years ago), and we went off to the local supermarket to get some groceries - Katydid, Chickie, and me.

Katydid was carrying Chickie on her hip, and 'round about the time we hit the canned fruit section, this really nice older lady walked up to Katydid (who still had Chickie on her hip), and said "Your baby is beautiful!"

Katydid made me very proud of her that day, and eased my mind considerable, for I was dreading the "teenage years", and all the perils for a young lady.

Katydid replied, very nicely, to the nice older lady, "Thank you. But this is my sister."

Of course the nice older lady wanted to sink right into the floor.

When we got around the corner (into the "Ethnic Foods" section, as I recall), Katydid said to me, very quietly but with great intensity, "Daddy! As if I could be So Stupid!"

Well, Chickie, not so long ago, you made me equally as proud of you.

We were talking about one of your acquaintences here in Georgia, and you said something about her probably going to be an "un-wed teenage mother with no education, no husband, and no life, and NOT like me at all, because she's being an absolute dum-dum!"

On top of all that, Chickie, you are, for the most part, a pretty good kid, mostly, and I love you very much.

There's no doubt in my mind that the coming years will drive me right out of what's left of my alleged mind - but there's a few things I won't have to worry about. Much. I hope.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. I Love You....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww....I love this post. We make good kids!!!