Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Travails with Tech Support

First, go and read THIS.

Trust me, when Mrs. OWW can't post, or even see her blog, she is... cranky. Irritated. Ready to remove heads with MY bare hands ("Kill 'em Honey - I know just where to hide the bodies...").

It seems that one of our friends has a friend with access to 2500 acres of woodlands. This friend of a friend also has a backhoe.

I think he (the friend of a friend) may also know exactly where Jimmy Hoffa is.

Actually, I suspect that my friend (not the friend of a friend) may also have some... knowledge that I. Don't. Want. To. Know.

Fortunately for my nightmare situation, Mujibar-The-Tech-Support-Weenie managed to fix things to my beloved's satisfaction, thereby sparing me the trauma of removing some of Mujibar's important body parts with a dull paring knife.

I will sleep soundly this evening, knowing that the paring knife will stay safely in it's appointed place...

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