Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today, Part II

This is not one of my better days.

A little script I've written to take care of a perfectly routine, and very repetetive chore has been kicking my red-neck butt all around the block. For two freakin' days. Microsoft IS the Evil Empire. Bill Gates is gonna burn in Hell....

And then, during my lunch 1/2 hour, my car rolled over and died. Actually, the battery died.


I'm feeling a little cranky, OK?

And then there's THIS.

"You Can't Deport Us All"


You wanna make some book on that, hose-head?

If'n us Americans get pissed-off enough, just watch and see what happens, HomeBoy.

Illegal aliens have placed such a strain on the public services of California, and have screwed up the American culture of California so badly, that many of us have heaved a huge sigh of relief when we left California.

I'm seriously considering moving back to California, just so's I can be a large-scale pain in the butt to MeCHA and La Raza.

I think I'll start with an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

The Official Language of the United States of America shall be English.

All official documents and proceedings, including but not limited to Court Proceedings, Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Promulgations of the Governemnt of the United States, the Courts, the Congress, and the Executive branch, shall be in English.

And I'm not done. The best is yet to come...

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