Sunday, December 23, 2007

The "Winter Soldier" Arrives Again

I read American Thinker because of the observed bias in the MSM (Main Stream Media). The writers at American Thinker will hammer anyone, Right, Left, or Middle, when they're wrong.

So, I'm reading a sort-of review of To Set The Record Straight (about the Swiftboat Vets campaign against John Kerry) when I found a reference leading to THIS place.

The original Winter Soldier Investigation of 1971 involved John Kerry and Al Hubbard (verified as a liar HERE, which the least incendiary reference I could find) orchestrating a campaign of lies against all American veterans of the Viet Nam era.

As a Viet Nam era vet, I was very perturbed by this "testimony". Later, after the lies and liars were exposed, I was enraged by the liars and the spineless politicians and "newsmen" who oh-so-publicly admired the liars.

So, to the IVAW, a bunch of vets are keeping an eye on you AND the MSM. And now, information flow is not restricted to the MSM. Just remember what happened to Dan Rather when he tried out a little forgery...

1 comment:

Denis Keohane said...

"So, to the IVAW, a bunch of vets are keeping an eye on you AND the MSM. And now, information flow is not restricted to the MSM."


In the week since that article was published at AT (and thanks for the linking to my drivel) a whole lot of shaking has been going on. There are vets and active duty folks, milbloggers and embeds, investigative bloggers and soon to be set up discussion boards and websites for "atrocity" and "war crime" charge research and information dissemination...and it's all grass roots. It ain't 1971, and this ain't their Daddy's media anymore.

The IVAW may be marching a smear too far. Theoretical questions: can an ambush be accomplished entirely in public view, and if so, can that only be so if the ambushees are complete ditzes?
