Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

Today has been One Of Those Days.

Firstly, at 8:46AM I took a minute.

Went outside, and reflected on the happenings of September 11th, 2001.

Over the past five years, I have done this every September 11th.

My conclusions remain the same: The Islamfascisti have made War upon us. We shall continue to make War right back at 'em. Even if some future adminisitration should choose to "forget" that the Jihadis hate us, I, an individual American, shall not choose to "forget". And I'm gonna hate 'em right back.

I shall remember our dead civilians. I shall remember our dead military men and women. I shall remember, every day, to say a little prayer for our people who are in harm's way.

I shall also remember those who say "this is too hard", who say "we must give up", who say "we must 'redeploy' our forces".

I say to them: "I remember you. You called me 'baby killer'. You called me a 'tool of American aggression'. You said that I am like 'Jengis Khan'.

Oh yes. I shall remember. I shall remember all that you have said and done.

On this day, I remember our dead. I most especially raise my hat to the firefighters of September 11th. When the Twin Towers came crashing down, FDNY Fire Fighters were still going up.

I remember the heroes of Flight 93 - those heroes succeeded in their mission: The ordinary Americans of Flight 93 prevented the Islamofascisti from completing their plan, at a most terrible cost. Indeed, "Let's Roll".

Today has been One of Those Days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. I still can't wrap my arms around the senseless act. Great job!