Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tasers and Student and Stoopit, Oh My!

OK, here's the local news coverage on Andrew Meyer, the Florida Taser Kid.

Two points:

1. Meyer was being a PITA - a loud-mouthed low-rent jerque (spelling intentional).

2. Meyer was vioating Niven's Law.

What is "Niven's Law"?

This comes from the Democratic National Convention of 1968, when there were riots in the fair city of Chicago, and Hubert Humphrey was chosen to be the Democrat candidate for the Presidency.

Niven's Law: "Don't throw baggies of dog squeeze at armed police officers."
Corrollary: "Don't stand next to people who throw baggies of dog squeeze at armed police officers."

You think I'm being harsh? View the entire video, keeping in mind that Meyer jumped the line, and is/was an obnoxious big jerque, in the finest French tradition.

Note: Niven's Law belongs to SF author Larry Niven, may be copyrighted by him, and it's essential truth is self-evident.

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